Acupuncture in Bristol and Burlington, VT
Inclusive and Trauma Transformational
East Asian medicine is for people of all ages, brains, and bodies. Here at Refuge, we lead with consent, practice at the pace of trust, are informed about neurodiversity, and offer treatment methods that range from very low to very deep sensation and everything in-between. That’s because we believe that people of all ages and with a range of sensory needs should be able to benefit from this powerful medicine.
Here are some ways that we see trauma-informed and neuro-inclusive practice, come together:
Very low sensation tools: microcurrent, medical-grade laser, pyonex (micro pins that do not puncture the skin and are affixed on a small adhesive), and phototherapy patches. The only sensation felt is the touch of the tool on the skin. Phototherapy patches can be placed either on the skin or on the clothing and, for the most part, are not felt on the skin.
Medium sensation tools: super-fine acupuncture pins, moxa, ear seeds, tui na (East Asian therapeutic massage), gua sha (superficial scraping of the skin with a jade tool)
Deep sensation tools: standard acupuncture pins, acupressure, herbal compress massage, moxa, tui na (East Asian therapeutic massage), cupping
The combination of acupuncture and herbal medicine is primary care medicine throughout East Asia and in California. Here is a small selection of the physical and mental health concerns we work with here at Refuge: anxiety and depression, compulsive thoughts and actions, PTSD, cognitive/executive function, proprioception, menstrual cycles, pregnancy, postpartum, digestive issues, chronic and acute pain, chronic illnesses including Long Covid, and insomnia. Want to know if inclusive acupuncture can help you or your child?