What an Acupuncture Visit
Looks Like
Wonderful, we’ve made it to the intake! Intakes are done in two parts. Part 1 is a 40 minute discussion over telehealth. You set up a cozy, private place for yourself, open the telehealth link, and we begin. During our conversation, we’ll go over your main concerns and go more in-depth on what you shared in your intake form. You’ll also get the opportunity to ask any questions you may have and I may share some homecare recommendations for you to try.
Then, in part 2, you come to the office for your first treatment. Adult and teens treatments last 50-55 minutes, pediatric treatments last 20-30 minutes. Please wear a KN95 mask. Before you do, send a picture of your tongue in natural light to the office at (802) 222-0436.
Once you arrive, you can remove your shoes, hang up your coat, and sit in the waiting room for me to welcome you up to the office. At the top of a carpeted flight of stairs, we’ll enter the office together. We’ll start in the conversation nook and I will ask if there are any sensory needs like adjusting light, music, or offering you a fidget before we begin our check-in.
Then, I’ll ask if you have any questions from our intake or have noticed any mental or physical things you’d like to share since we last spoke. I’ll ask a few questions. If your appointment is for a young child, they may be on your lap or playing with some toys on the carpet. I’ll look at the tongue picture you sent before coming in and will check your pulse at the wrist. I may ask to touch the abdomen once you’re on the table.
For babies and young kids, I may join them in play before asking consent to administer treatment. Treatment for kids can take place on the floor, in your lap, on the table or by themselves on the comfy chair with you nearby. To learn more about acupuncture and kids, click here.
For teens and adults, treatment could be anything from sensation-free methods like laser and microcurrent to low-sensation methods such as in-and-out acupuncture (pins don’t stay in for children under age 11). For those who need deep sensory input, herbal compress massage is done in collaboration! Click here for more information about different ways we stimulate acupuncture points here at Refuge.
As for your position, adults may choose to be fully or partially reclined on the treatment table. Face up or face down. We can make sure your hands or legs are free to move during treatment, as well.
What about clothes? Do I need to wear something special?
For most treatments, you’ll need to remove socks, roll up pants and/or sleeves. So wearing loose-fitting clothing, with a sleeveless layer ontop is best. There are times that I’ll ask if you’re comfortable with receiving treatment on your abdomen, lower abdomen, or back. In those cases, I’ll offer you a paper drape to cover the area before and after treatment is offered. If I need access to your back, I will exit the room while you remove layers and settle on the table.
Then, I will go over my treatment ideas for the session and ask consent before treatment begins. We make adjustments based on your specific needs that day.
For people of all ages, following treatment, we will go over home protocols to support healing in-between sessions and you’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions.