Life Stages
The Universe, the Earth, your community and family, and your very own body/mind/heart are made of the same five elements, and they are deeply interconnected with one another. When you come into this world, one of these five elements receives a blow (either a singular event or a sustained string of them) that comprises one or two elements (read more below for a taste of how each functions). When this occurs and goes unaddressed, we experience dis-ease, discomfort, pain, mental suffering, and illness. Here at Refuge, we work to bring these elements back into a sustaining cycle in which none predominates, all have their place, and from which a deeply rooted wellbeing arises. Click below to learn about how each element corresponds to the life stages we care for here.
Babies and toddlers love acupuncture. They have fewer blocks to treatment than adults and an intuitive connection to what benefits their body/mind. They respond quickly and strongly to gentle techniques. Most babies and toddlers who come to Refuge don’t receive “taps” at all.
Pediatric East Asian Medicine has been primary care for thousands of years. Meaning, it has a long history of safely and thoroughly treating common childhood concerns like constipation, eczema, sleep issues, allergies, and anxiety to more complex experiences including ADHD, ASD, asthma, pain conditions, PTSD, Lyme disease, Long Covid, chronic colds, and more.
Some of the characteristics of this early
life stage, which is guided by the wood element are:
A rising quality, direct, outward, forming and initiating, newness, the beginning, creative potential, young, unrefined presentation, impulsive, expansive
Children and Teens
Kids and teens are deeply impacted by the internal whirl of rapid growth, new ideas, and expanding perceptions at this stage. And in this era of over-exposure to news, social media, and screens, kids are experiencing unprecedented mental health consequences.
With kids and teens, Refuge Acupuncture focuses on regulating the nervous system and alleviating the physical symptoms your child or teen is experiencing. We talk to them with respect and dignity and include them in their own care starting with choosing acupuncture techniques during the session to home practices to support their mental/physical health like somatic exercises, food choices, sleep rituals, and more.
Some of the characteristics of this life stage, which is guided by the fire element are:
volatility, coming into full blossom, bigness, warmth, laughter, relationality, raw emotions, tunnel vision, overnight transformation, new body parts (teeth! hair! longer limbs! bigger feet!), the fears and possibilities of showing-up as your emerging self in the world, sweat, summer, joy, jubilance, playfulness, silliness, awkwardness, shyness, building sacred connection, desire, craving, learning to build bridges between transitions, pleasure, learning to be in a body
Early to Mid-Adulthood
Leaving your childhood home, going to college, starting your first full-time job or business, traveling abroad, experimenting, developing your career, partnering or splitting-up, clarifying/exploring your identities, getting pregnant, being postpartum, and parenting a young child. This is Earth Time.
Early Earth Time is Young Adulthood
You’re transitioning from being cared for to learning to care for yourself. You’re navigating newfound autonomy, discovering who and what you like, and learning what it means to engage with the world as a new adult. This is a huge transition and it’s inadequately supported in our society.
Later Earth time is Mid-Adulthood
For most, Later Earth time is when you birth a human, a business, a project, and/or root-down into a new home. Now, you’re learning to balance your needs with the needs of others. It’s dynamic and relentless, especially for parents and caregivers. Here, the impacts of overwork, stress, unaddressed mental-emotional issues, or physical pain tend to show-up. It's time to make a change.
Some of the characteristics of this life stage, which is guided by the earth element are:
Many transitions, building belonging, transformation, nurturance of self and others, caretaking, interconnectedness, connection to family, friends, community and the world, self-care and soothing, empathy, integrity, thoughtfulness, abundance, enough-ness, solidifying patterns that serve you or break you down
Late Adulthood
Late Adulthood is when you get to harvest the fruit of your efforts during Earth Time. You feel competent at work, are readying (or already emptied) your nest, and care less about what the world thinks of you. With this maturity, comes louder messages from the body. Unaddressed pain, anxiety, or chronic conditions may be amping-up and you are looking for low-risk methods to ensure your body and mind can enjoy your life.
Some of the characteristics of this life stage, which is associated with the metal element are:
Clarity, Confidence, self-possession, letting go of what needs to be let go of, organization, structure, discernment, slowing-down, grief, refining, pruning, consolidating, inward movement, re-prioritizing your own needs
Here at Refuge we have deep regard for elders. Elderhood has gone unclaimed by dominant culture and it makes it difficult for those in this life stage to enjoy the slowing-down and supportive care that you deserve. Seeing friends get sick and die, facing your mortality, and being in physical pain can exacerbate physical and emotional pain. This is a time to both claim your wisdom and accept the care of others so you may thrive.
Some of the characteristics of this life stage, which is associated with the water element are:
wisdom, flow, contemplation, stillness, quietude, reflection, observation, non-doing, depth, trust, cold, rest, gentleness, expansiveness